Showing posts with label Fish Curry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fish Curry. Show all posts
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Rui Poppy Curry


What do you need ?

Rui fish ⇒ 500g

Poppy ⇒ 50g

Green Chili ⇒ 5 pes 2''   

Mustard oil ⇒ 150g

Salt ⇒ To taste

How to make:

Wash the fish pieces well, put salt and turmeric on them and fry them. Now heat the oil in a pan and cut the remaining raw chilies into two slices and put a cup of water in the oil. When it is boiling, put the fish pieces in it. After drying the water, you have to sprinkle oil around the pan. The fish must be inverted carefully. When the oil rises from all sides, the pan should be lowered.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Shrimp Roast

Shrimp roast

➤ 1 Cup chopped onion
➤ 2 Chopped tomatoes
➤ 1 Bay leaf
➤ 2 Cardamoms
➤ 1 Cinnamon 1 inch
➤ 1 Teaspoon chilli powder
➤ 1 Teaspoon turmeric powder
➤ 1 Teaspoon coriander powder
➤ Salt to taste

চিংড়ি ভুনা 

⭄ ১ কাপ পেঁয়াজ কুচি 
⭄ ২ টি টমেটো কুচি 
⭄ ১ টি তেজপাতা 
⭄ ২ টি এলাচ 
⭄ ১ টি দারচিনি ১ইঞ্চি 
⭄ ১ চা চামচ মরিচ গুঁড়া 
⭄ ১ চা চামচ হলুদ গুঁড়া 
⭄ ১ চা চামচ ধনিয়া গুঁড়া 
⭄ স্বাদ মতন লবন 



authorHello, my name is Ibrahim. I'm a 30 year old self-employed Pirate from the Bangladesh.
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