Showing posts with label Chicken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicken. Show all posts
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Barbecue chicken

Barbecue chicken

⇘ Materials
3 chickens
Flour 1/2 cup
1 cup of soybean oil
4 onion bata
2 tablespoons of vinegar
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 cup of tomato sauce
3 tablespoons of oyster sauce
2 tablespoons of sugar
3 teaspoons of salt
Mustard powder 1/2 teaspoon
Chili paste 1 tbsp

⇘ Method
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius to 325 degrees Fahrenheit
2. Cut the chicken into 4 pieces, mix the flour with 1 teaspoon of salt and butter the meat
3. Fry the meat brown and dip it in oil
4. Mix the rest of the ingredients together to make a barbecue sauce
5. Arrange the fried meat in a baking dish and pour the sauce on top
6. Bake in a hot oven until the meat is cooked through

বারবিকিউ চিকেন 


মুরগি ৩টি 
ময়দা ১/২ কাপ 
সয়াবিন তেল ১ কাপ 
পেঁয়াজ বাটা ৪ টি 
সিরকা ২টেবিল চামচ 
লেবুর রস ২টেবিল চামচ 
টমেটো সস ১ কাপ 
উস্টার সস ৩ টেবিল চামচ 
চিনি ২টেবিল চামচ 
লবন ৩ চা চামচ 
সরিষা গুঁড়া ১/২ চা চামচ 
মরিচ বাটা ১ টেবিল চামচ 

১. ওভেন ১৬০ ডিগ্রি সেলসিয়াস ৩২৫ ডিগ্রি ফারঃহাইট তাপ দিন 
২. মুরগি চার ৪ টুকরা করুন, ময়দা ১ চা চামচ লবন দিয়ে মিশিয়ে মাংসে মাখন 
৩. মাংস বাদামী রং করে ডুব তেলে ভেজে রাখুন 
৪. বাকি উপকরণগুলো একসঙ্গে মিশিয়ে বারবিকিউ সস তৈরী করুন 
৫. বেকিং ডিশে ভাজা মাংস সাজিয়ে উপরে সস ঢেলে দিন 
৬. গরম ওভেনে দিয়ে মাংস সিদ্ধ না হওয়া পর্যন্ত বেক করুন 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Tandoori Chicken Khichuri Recipe


Tandoori Chicken Khichuri


For chicken tandoori: 

➠ 1 chicken, 

➠ Half a cup of sour curd, 

➠ 1 tablespoon of ginger, 

➠ 2 teaspoons of garlic, 

➠ Half a teaspoon of hot spices, 

➠ Half a teaspoon of cumin powder, 

➠ Half a teaspoon of black pepper powder, 

➠ 1 teaspoon of chilli powder, 

➠ 4 tablespoons of mustard oil, 

➠ Salt to taste and 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder.

For khichuri: 

➠ 2 cups of polao rice, 

➠ 1 cup of fried mug dal, 

➠ Half cup of oil or ghee, 

➠ Half cup of crushed onion, 

➠ 1 tablespoon of finely chopped ginger, 

➠ 8 cardamoms, 

➠ 4 pieces of cinnamon, 

➠ 6 cloves, 

➠ 3 bay leaves, 

➠ salt to taste, 

➠ 5 Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and 8 cups of hot water.

Method: Wash and clean the chicken and cut it into 4 pieces. Cut the stain with a knife. Marinate all the spices and oil together in the chicken and leave it for 2 hours. Then grill the marinated chicken in a grill or frying pan. When one back is done, turn it over and fry the other back.

Meanwhile, wash the rice and pulses for khichuri and drain the water. Fry the onion and keep it in the barista. In a pan, take ghee and stir in cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaves and cloves. Now fry with rice and pulses for 2 to 3 minutes. When it is fried, stir it with hot water and salt. When it boils, reduce the heat of the oven and cover it with green chillies and barista. Now put it in the oven with a hot pan under the pot for 20 to 25 minutes. When the rice is cooked, take it down and serve garnished with tandoori chicken.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Homemade Chicken Nuggets

Recipe is Kids favorite chicken nuggets.
It's a very tasty and popular snacks. Homemade chicken nuggets are healthier and tastier than the frozen or fast-food options. Make them in a large batch and freeze for later and quick use . Here's how to make chicken nuggets at home from minced chicken....

🥘 Ingredients 🥘

➦ Boneless chicken breast - 500 g
➦ White Bread - 4 slices

➦ Ginger paste - 1/2 tblsp
➦ Garlic paste - 1/2 tblsp
➦ Soya sauce - 1 tblsp
➦ White Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp 
➦ Paprika powder - 1/2 tsp
➦ Salt - 1 tsp 
➦ Egg - 1 medium
➦ milk - 1 tblsp
➦ salt and white pepper
➦ Pieces of Nuggets
➦ Pieces of Nuggets size 1" Inch
➦ Dip in egg
➦ Mix the bread crumbs
➦ Store them in freezer for to months any time you fry this
➦ Fry until browned
➦ Ready Homemade Chicken Nuggets 💢 Recipe by Tiffin Box 💢


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