Mango Pavlova Recipe


Mango Pavlova


➥ 3 eggs (white part), 

➥ 1.5 cups of sugar, 

➥ Half a teaspoon of cornflower, 

➥ 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 

➥ 1 tablespoon of honey, 

➥ Half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder,

➥ Half a teaspoon of nutmeg powder, 

➥ 2 cups of double whipped cream, 

➥ 2 cups of mango, 

➥ 1 cup of mango, 

➥ 1 cup of kiwi and 5 cups of berry.


Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Break the eggs in a bowl and separate the yolks. Then mix the sugar and beat the egg whites with a hand beater for 15 minutes. Create Farm Marang. In another bowl, mix 1 cup of mango pulp with lemon juice, cinnamon powder, honey, nutmeg powder and cornflower and make a paste. Now mix the mixture of marang and mango powder in a bowl. Mix the mango powder with the marangi well. Now place the baking paper in a tray. Be careful not to remove the baking paper during baking. Now pour the marang baking paper prepared earlier in the middle. Bake for 45 minutes. As long as the outside is crisp, but the inside is soft.

After 45 minutes, remove the Pavlova from the oven and leave it outside for 1 hour. Now cut the remaining fruits. Serve the chilled pavlovar garnished with mango crumbs, whipped cream and chopped fruits.


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