Dragon Fruit Pancota Recipe


Dragon Fruit Pancota


⤇ 1 cup of dragon fruit, 

⤇ 2 cups of liquid milk, 

⤇ 150 grams of cream, 

⤇ sugar to taste, 

⤇ 10-12 grams of china grass, 

⤇ 1 drop of vanilla essence and 1 cup of water.


In half a cup of water, cut the china grass into small pieces and mix it. Blend dragon fruit, sugar and water to taste. Now mix the blended dragon fruit and half the melted china grass in a pot and put it in the oven and take it down when it is hot. Pour the dragon fruit mixture into a large serving bowl or small glass ice cream cup or half of a small glass and store in the fridge. In another bowl, mix liquid milk, cream, sugar to taste, vanilla essence and the rest of the melted china grass and bring to a boil. Now check to see if the dragon fruit mixture has accumulated from the fridge. Slowly pour the rest of the milk mixture and let it freeze for a couple of hours. When well frozen, serve garnished with dragon fruit cut into cubes or thin slices on top.


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